1:09 PM

Old & New Trivia Question

Posted by Melody

Hello there everyone! I know you have been anxiously awaiting more entries and I am working on getting those up, complete with pictures and video! As the end of the trip approaches, I am becoming very busy making sure that everything is good and ready to turn in before I come home. Thank you for being so patient and encouraging during these times. I do appreciate it very much.

Now, for the results to last month's poll! Thanks to all of you who participated. What did you guess? Did you get the right answer? Well, let us find out, shall we?

Question: The board game known as "draughts" in the UK is the equivalent of which game in the US?

Answer: Checkers

Seven of you (26%) guessed the right answer, good for you! It seems that Battleship was the popular choice with 9 votes (33%) out of the 27 people who voted. Sequence and Scrabble followed closely behind with 5 (19%) and 6 (22%) votes, respectively.

If you look over to the left-hand side of the page (where February’s poll was located), you will find March’s trivia question ready and waiting to be answered. You can find a hint in the song "Be Our Guest" from the movie "The Beauty And The Beast" by Disney.

Cheerio poppets!


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